Success can only come after you make an effort to try....

Catching Up with Us!

  Weeknds are passing us by.  The Chad is currently not scheduled weekends (Whoot Whoot) but there is no time for rest either!  Trev took 4th at his first wrestling tourney (another Whoot Whoot).  Bummer I missed it.  We were busy taking Little Miss to Yo Gabba Gabb LIVE!  There was a party in our city!  She had a blast, and Trevor wasn't sad he missed it!  Biz gave some pretty good beats, but my very favorite part was an entire family of 5 dressed as a character.  I don't remember the children belonging to that family; all I can picture is a mother dressed as Foofa and the Dad was no other than DJ Lance.  SERIOUSLY?  No further comment.  I would fail on my trying to be a nicer person bit that I am working on. 
  Trevor is a little busy for us, but I will try to tackle him for some new pictures, and add them all at once!  This blog will finally begin to have some substance!